Martin Taal's Blog

About EMF, Teneo, CDO, Texo, Hibernate, Open-Source ERP and other topics

Archive for May 2012

EMF CDO HibernateStore: Upgraded to Teneo 2.0, JPA 2.0 and Hibernate 4.1

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In a previous post I talked about Teneo 2.0 and its JPA 2.0 and Hibernate 4.1 support. With these new developments it was time to upgrade the CDO Hibernate store also. So here it is: the CDO Hibernate Store in the CDO 4.1 release/build now also supports JPA 2.0 and Hibernate 4.1. This new functionality is available from CDO 4.1 RC1 or any nightly build from the 21th of May 2012.

Hibernate 4.1 is a major release and it is not binary compatible with 3.6.0. This means that when getting the latest CDO Hibernate store 4.1 version you also need to upgrade Hibernate to 4.1, and if you are testing using hsqldb then make sure to also upgrade that one.

To help you out, the newer hibernate and hsqldb versions are available through this update site:

The CDO Hibernate Store 4.1 depends on Teneo 2.0 which you can find on this update site:

I hope this post is useful for you, thanks for reading and if you are interested feel free to give feedback or ask questions on the EMF newsgroup or forum.

gr. Martin

Written by martintaal

May 23, 2012 at 4:54 am

Posted in CDO

EMF Teneo 2.0: JPA 2.0 and Hibernate 4.*!

with 3 comments

The time has come to up the version number of Teneo from 1.2.0 to 2.0.0. The ‘technical’ reason is support for Hibernate 4.* which has a different internal api than previous versions. At the same time it is nice to announce another new feature: JPA 2.0 annotation support (see the JPA 2.0 spec). Teneo already supported the JPA 1.0 specification and the JPA EntityManager api.

The JPA 2.0 annotation development has been made possible by the sponsorship of an active Teneo user-company. It is great to see that there are companies out there who appreciate what we do at the Eclipse Modeling group and specifically ofcourse Teneo!

JPA 2.0 annotations can be defined in-the-model as well as in a separate xml file.

To summarize Teneo is now available in 2 actively maintained versions:


  • JPA 2.0
  • Hibernate 3.6/EclipseLink 2
  • EMF 2.6 and 2.7
  • Eclipse Helios


  • JPA 2.0
  • Hibernate 4.1
  • EMF 2.7 – 2.8
  • Eclipse 3.7 and further

Note the JPA 2.0 support is available in the latest build of both versions of Teneo, the main difference between the 2 versions is the supported Hibernate version.

Active development of new features is done in the 2.0.0 version, but bugs/issues will be actively fixed in 1.2.0 for the foreseeable future.

I am currently upgrading CDO Hibernate Store to Teneo 2.0.0, that should be finished soon to!

For more information on dependencies and how to get these new versions, visit the Teneo wiki download & install page. This page also lists the update site with the latest Hibernate and hsqldb plugins.

I hope this post is useful for you, thanks for reading and if you are interested feel free to give feedback or ask questions on the EMF newsgroup or forum.

gr. Martin

Written by martintaal

May 21, 2012 at 3:54 am

Posted in CDO, Teneo

EMFT Texo: Auto-generate Java model code on model file changes

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Next to the work I am doing on an EMF JSON resource, and solving some bugs, I was very motivated to get a nice new feature into Texo: automatic code generation on model file changes.

After each model change you have to go through the somewhat cumbersome right click on a project file and finding the Texo menu to generate your code.

This has now become a lot easier! In the Texo project properties you can now define, that code should be automatically generated when a model file changes. This includes changes to xsd’s and annotation model files.

The project properties allow you to set different things like if only certain model files should trigger a regenerate, or if JPA or DAO classes need to be generated. It is all described here.

So just check the correct flag in the project properties and your code is generated on-the-fly and more importantly: automatic.

Thanks for reading and I hope this blog post helps to give Texo a try. Visit the Texo wiki for more information. Let me know if you have any questions or remarks on the EMFT newsgroup or forum!

gr. Martin

Written by martintaal

May 18, 2012 at 12:54 am

Posted in Texo

EMFT Texo: EMF – RCP persistence using Texo generated JPA entities

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After working on Texo JSON Rest, the next step for me has been to implement an EMF Resource which persists its data using JPA annotated entities in a standard ORM.

This makes it possible to use Texo in a RCP environment with an EMF generated front-end and a Texo generated JPA backend.

The first implementation of the TexoResource supports a 2-tier architecture: the JPA TexoResource communicates directly with the database through the JPA/ORM layer.

EMF RCP - Texo - 2-tier architecture

My next step will be to implement a Texo JSON Resource which communicates using JSON with a server running Texo. The server side of this 3 tier architecture is already done: the Texo JSON web service layer. For an example project running Texo in Tomcat/web container check out this wiki page or see this video.

For this new development I am developing EMF JSON converters, these could be useful also in other solutions, you can find the relevant plugin here in git.

I am cooperating with others to develop an example RCP using Texo. My goal is to provide more example projects. If you are interested in cooperating on this, ping me on the Texo forum.

Thanks for reading and I hope this blog post helps to give Texo a try. Visit the Texo wiki for more information. Let me know if you have any questions or remarks on the EMFT newsgroup or forum!

gr. Martin

Written by martintaal

May 9, 2012 at 8:38 am

Posted in Texo